Having a hobby not only helps spend time constructively but also be creative and innovative. Those who do not have any hobby cannot live their life fully. One just needs to take out sometime during the day. One can either take up painting, singing, dancing, writing or anything as a hobby. Working and non – working both can have some hobby.
Whilst working people can relax and become creative with a hobby; no – working people can spend the leisure time in some worthwhile task or activity. Not just that non – working people can even make a business out of their hobby. For instance, those who have painting as a hobby, can over a period of time hold a painting of art pieces and make known to the world the hidden talent. One can also earn a worthwhile amount out of such a hobby. The same holds true for other hobbies.
Many a times, what starts as a hobby grows to an extent that it can turn out into a business. Writing is another example. A writer can compile the literary pieces and publish a book. There have been many instances in the past wherein, people have made a successful business out of their hobbies!
Avoid too much reporting in your small business
I asked one of my friend few years back, “what have you been doing, you look tired”. He said, “It’s my #!s$#*@ boss, he keeps telling me to make reports. I am sick and tired of it. There’s no further developments but he says I need the reports on Every Monday and Friday and all.” The problem here is not the boss but the reports. But, that’s how people react when they do stuffs which are of little or no use. There are two possible solutions for this. One is to make sure that reporting is done once in a month or in fifteen days or the boss should have explained why these reports are needed? I have always been against with too much reporting from the beginning. Reports are necessary but if you dedicate your time in things which are already present then, when will you create something new. Planning is necessary but I have seen some people, they keep planning and end up doing nothing. You need to have proper balance with plans and their execution.
How to learn things?
Some great men have said that if you repeat a certain action for 21 days it becomes a habit. Well that requires a lot of patience .Some tried out tips are mentioned below:-
- Mnemonics are your best friends, if they are not try befriending them. Mnemonics are certain riddles or funny connotations that you attach with your word or a set of information. For
e.g. to recall the 8 parts of speech you can device your own mnemonic like PAPA VINC for (verb, preposition, conjunction, noun, pronoun, preposition, adverb and adjective)
- Or we can connect it with a funny incident or a sentence like Mom Very Eagerly Made Jam Sandwiches and Uniform Nine Pizzas. Which helps you remember the name of the nine planets in sequence.
- It might appear childish but the brain needs to be tricked into remembering information. Certain gamed can also be made out for learning for e.g. to make your child remember how many days are there in each month you can teach him the hand game. When you fold your fist and turn back you see rises and depressions. Each rise accounts for 31 days and each depression for 30 except February.
- Brain can be trained to do anything but what it requires is repetition, so the old maxim stays practice does make you perfect. Writing also helps sometimes in exams you remember the page where you had written that something down which helps you recall an answer.
- This tip is a bit hard but try it out if you can. While going to bed if you recall something and there is some part which you cannot remember do get up from the bed and look for it. Believe me you would never forget something which made you take all the pain.
- There is a famous saying that says if you want to remember your wife’s birthday all you have to do is forget it once. Recalling dates is something that we all have hard time doing. We all do remember our national holidays we can try relating it with the anniversaries that we keep forgetting, for e.g. you can associate your wedding anniversary with the independence day like how many days after it does the day comes when you lost your independence. You will have to give it a thought or else you can just set a reminder on your phone.