World Hepatitis Day: July 28th
July 28 is celebrated as world hepatitis day. Millions of people across the world are suffering from this disease and is counted as one of the most deadly disease.
It is caused by a virus called hepatitis virus. In this disease the inflammation of liver takes place. The liver also contains inflammatory cells. There are many types of hepatitis found all over the world, which includes hepatitis A, hepatitis B, hepatitis C. Hepatitis B and hepatitis C are more common and causes death. According to a recent survey, about 3% of the whole world population is affected by hepatitis B and about 1.5% of world population is affected by hepatitis C.
Drugs and other such products may also enhance the chance of hepatitis infection. It is also a widely spreading disease and can be transmitted by coming in blood contact with the infected person, by needles used by the patient, drug abuses, heamodialysis.
The proper treatment should be provided to the patient. Many vaccines are available in the market for hepatitis A and hepatitis B but treatment of hepatitis C is still a problem. Vaccines are provided to children right after their birth which proves to be major prevention.
Hormonal imbalance in women
Polycystic Ovarian Disease (PCOD) or Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) is one of the most common diseases found in women. This is the condition in which there is formation of multiple tiny cysts, which develop at the periphery of the ovary.
It occurs in women aging between 14 to 50 years of age. The exact cause of this disease is not known but according to doctors and researchers, two main causes may be the insulin insensitivity and the influence of excessive male hormone in female. It may be genetically affected. Beside all these reasons, lifestyle plays a major role in occurrence of this disease as due to our changing lifestyle we are not to proper attention to ourselves. Under these conditions, gain of weight, may be the cause of it.
It may result in infertility.
This hormonal imbalance can be cured by changing living habits. Losing weight also gives a positive sign for betterment. At most regular exercise along with a healthy diet will surely never lead you such a disease.
Our biggest enemies: Mosquitoes
Mosquitoes are one of the major cause for various diseases all over the world as malaria, dengue. These diseases are really dreadful and may cause the patient to lose his/her life. But, if we are little alert and we pay attention, the growth and reproduction of mosquitoes can be avoided. For this, only few of the steps have to be followed.
You should not allow the accumulation of water. It is one of the biggest sources of mosquitoes as it is their primary home where they live and thrive. They lay their eggs only on the surface of stagnant water, so that larvae can develop. So, water accumulation should be avoided and even if it done it should be covered.
There are places where water is stored at large volume and can’t be always drawn out and cleaned. The best remedy to prevent growth at such places is just the addition of two spoonful petrol or kerosene for every 100 liter of water. The scientific reason behind this is that as the petrol/kerosene is lighter than water, they come over the surface of the water and spread over that. This covers the place for the growth of mosquitoes.
Besides, the surroundings must be kept clean to live healthy.