Since most of us live from paycheck to paycheck anyway, being out of a job can be really stressful. Here’s some help.
For the last few months, we’ve been asking people for their best tips on how to find and get work — not just any job, but the right job.
Here are the results of that survey. Use them to find work fast and keep that paycheck coming.
7 Best Tips for Finding a Job
1. Let everybody know you’re looking for work
It can be embarrassing to be out of a job. You don’t want anyone to know, so you keep quiet. That’s the worst thing to. When you need employment, let everyone you know in on the secret. That way, it won’t be a secret anymore, and they can help you keep the radar going and make the right connection for your next big break.
2. Leverage social media
LinkedIn is made for hooking up with employers, but every social media channel can be fruitful. Just make sure your channel shows you as someone who fits the work you’re looking for. This goes hand-in-hand with #1 (above). The more people you get the word out to, the more likely the right person will find out you are available for work.
3. Knock on doors
In the Internet Age, it’s easy to forget the value of real live, person-to-person contact. Identify the companies you’d like to work for, then contact them directly. If you can, go in to the office and apply directly. If you can’t, use the telephone to find out who hires for the position, then call that person.
4. Improve your skills
Are you lacking a certain qualification that will open more doors for you? Go GET that qualification. If need be, take a lesser job in the meantime, then moonlight for the education. The only person who can really hold you back is YOU!
5. Register at an employment agency
Placement agencies are in the business of introducing the right employee to the right employer. Don’t overlook the value here. Once you register (the business pays, not you), you’ll have professionals on your side helping you find work! It don’t get much better than that. Check the Symphony Placements blog for articles about job-seeking.
6. Before you look at them, look at you
Sit down and have a talk with yourself. Would you hire you? Why or why not? Don’t focus on what you want, but on what you have to offer. Identify companies that would be blessed by hiring you… then go talk with those companies and show them why that’s true.
7. Chunk it up
You don’t have to find that perfect job today, but you do want to be moving steadily in that direction. List the things that need to happen, then start working on them one-by-one. Identify the right companies, prepare resumes, register with an employment agency, set up interviews, get our clothing together… there’s a ton of stuff that must be done. Do it.
The 7 Best Tips for Finding the Right Job
Notice we didn’t say anything about “finding your bliss,” or figuring out what color your parachute is. Don’t worry about that. It’s a given that you will be attracted to the things that suit you best.
Be open to possibilities. Enjoy the adventure. Be bold!
If you’ll walk through those seven tips, you’ll be amazed before you’re halfway through. It may turn out the right job is looking for you!