Emotional stress and Early Age depression may cause Heart diseases
Depression nowadays has become a common word. In the changing methods and modes of livelihood, every third person of the world is suffering from the so called “depression”. Actually we all know what is depression and how is it caused, but we don’t know when depression slowly grasps us, despite of being fully familiar with it. Reasons may be vast, and has no age limitation. According to a recent study, people who have been suffered a lot in their childhood and have been depressed in one way or the other, have greater chances of having heart diseases.
According to group of scientists of Medical College of Georgia, people who suffer from depression in their childhood have increased concentration of various hormones in their body, which in turn increases chances of blood pressure. This increased blood pressure gives an adverse effect on the heart when they grow older. These children on being young also face problem like emotional stress and at times have problems in moulding themselves according to the situation.
So, always try to be happy and tension free to be lead a healthy life in your childhood, maturity and old age!
How to keep the stress out of your life?
Stress is a part of everybody’s life. Certain amount of stress is good in a way as it helps get things done. However, it is the excess of stress that become s a part of life that is extremely dangerous. Such stress can affect the mental well-being and physical well being too. Sweating palms, pounding heart and fear are some of the signs of stress.
Such stress most often leads to numerous mental ailments such as depression, anxiety, panic attacks etc. Stress, when it gets out of hand can take the joy out of our lives. It takes a toll on both personal and professional life. The long term consequence of such stress is that it only adds up to the existing stress.
In case, one ends up suffering with depression, anxiety, panic attacks etc., one can seek help from a psychologist. Getting treated right in the initial stage can help avoid major problems at a later stage. One must not delay getting treatment for such kind of problem, as ignoring the growing signs will only lead to loss of focus and confusion. One must approach a psychiatrist if things get out of hand. They can help deal with the situation by suggesting various therapies.
Stress buster tip: Take a break and rejuvenate
While doing the mundane chores of life, many a times we fail to pay attention to our body. People get involved in the daily activities to such an extent that they often fail to understand the changes in their body. Daily routine and hectic work and life style can lead to stress which can be very harmful. Most of them don’t pay attention to this initially. Only at a later stage when medical complications result, do they understand the need to slow down.
There are some simple things that one can do to lead a stress free life. One must eat at time nutritious food, exercise regularly and take breaks to distress. However, it is easier said than done. Many of them don’t realize that their stress levels are increasing and they are falling prey to various diseases.
Taking a break from everyday life and relaxing at a calm place can provide the much required boost to the body. One can choose any place of choice. What one needs to do is to ensure that at least twice a year, one takes a break and spends some time with oneself or the family. Doing so definitely helps to break away from everyday life and relax the mind.
Breaks provide an easy way to rejuvenate the body and soul. After the break, one can see the changes in oneself. The body and mind is relaxed and one is prepared to face things in a much better way.
How to get over of your worries?
Worry is a five letter word when done overtly can harm a person immensely. Little amount of worrying is certainly not harmful. Everyone does it at some point or the other. However, when it becomes a habit, it takes a dangerous form. Care should be taken to not brood over a situation.
For many, worry simply becomes a habit. There is absolutely no point in worrying over something that is beyond one’s control. One must surely try to deal with a trying situation in every possible way. However, if things do not change for the better, one must simply leave things as they are. When things are beyond one’s control, it makes no sense to brood over it.
There are many ways to get over this habit of worrying. One can share the problem with a confidant and seek advice. Alternately, one can try diverting the mind from the issue that is bothering. Getting involved in some kind of hobby or activity that gives a sense of fulfilment provides relief from stress.
Worrying exceedingly over an issue drains one emotionally and leads to other kinds of problems. One must understand the limitations and leave things to rest when something goes beyond control. That is the only way to lead a worry free life!
Get out of anxiety and mental stress by praying
What is one thing that everyone does when faced with a difficult situation? Pray, isn’t it? Why do we pray? We do it because we feel incapable of controlling the situation or difficult times that we are facing. Praying gives a sense of strength. It helps pick up the strings when things go wrong. When things get out of hand or one is troubled or hurt, one prays. Everyone does it. And it does give some strength and make s a person calm and composed.
Even due to helplessness, many a times we ask the almighty as to why He has placed us in the troublesome situation and look for answers that are seemingly unclear to us. Everyone has their share of grief in life. No one is absolutely happy. Difficulties are a part of life that has to be faced. It is how we face them that shape our life.
The power of prayer is immense. It has the power to heal the wounds and give strength to deal with adversities with grit and courage. Letting out the pent-up emotions relieves to some extent from grief and provides courage. The power of prayer is something one must experience!