According to official medical sources, more than half of the population of the Ireland at any given moment of life will suffer from STDs. Most of these people may not feel any signs of the disease, but are able to infect their sexual partners. The only way to accurately diagnose an STD or an STI is testing.
Most people have never been tested for STDs or STIs in their lives because they are dependent on public opinion and consider the presence of such diseases to be something shameful. The problem is also the lack of a concrete idea of testing for people. Many may think that if they previously took some tests, they also determined whether they had an STD or an STI. This is not the case, because tests for the definition of STDs or STIs are very specific and are not included in other analyzes. If your sexual behavior can be potentially dangerous to your health, you should consult your doctor about what kind of test you should go through.
Chlamydia is a very widespread disease that causes discomfort to millions of people. When testing for chlamydia, tells your doctor about the characteristics of your sexual activity, as a smear should be taken from all potentially contaminated areas – the mouth, the anus, for example. The main sample for the test is urine.
The procedure for testing for gonorrhea is almost identical to testing for chlamydia.
HIV testing
Every sexually active person should be tested for HIV. This disease can be asymptomatic for many years, but it can be determined with a simple blood test. Despite the fact that HIV can’t be cured, one can learn to live with this disease and lead an active and happy life.
Genital herpes
Herpes is capable of causing painful skin lesions around the genitals. Despite the fact that the main method of testing is a blood test, in the presence of open wounds the doctor can take a smear from the lesions.
If you do not treat syphilis, this disease can lead to severe damage to various body systems, paralysis, blindness and even death. Syphilis can be diagnosed at an early stage with the help of a blood test and thus prevent further disease progression. People who are at risk should be tested as soon as possible. By the way, it is impossible to catch syphilis, swimming with a sick person in the pool or using one toilet seat.
What are the advantages of blood tests?
Blood tests for diagnosing STD symptoms are more accurate than similar ones using smears or urine samples. Smear can be taken from the wound site, which does not contain infection, while because of the constant blood flow blood test is always accurate, and the result is stable. If an infection gets into the body, any blood test can detect it. For those people who have an active sex life, it is extremely important to visit the doctor regularly and talk to him about any suspicions. It is important to be frank and not consider STDs and STIs something shameful.
A huge number of people around the world suffer from these diseases. Time spent testing will help to maintain health for you and your loved ones and allow you to enjoy a full life.
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